South India’s first Psychoanalysis course and India’s first Genderqueer course and New website for Srishti Madurai was launched by Human Rights Activist Anjali Gopalan and Internationally acclaimed Artist (Painter), Psychoanalyst, Bracha L Ettinger of European Graduate School.
Date: 24/12/2013 Time: 11am
It is one of the inclusive groups of its kind which has involved academicians, Independent scholars, Human rights activist, Environmentalists, Animal rights activists and genderqueer activists.
Purpose/Aim :-
To establish a strong base for psychoanalysis in Tamilnadu
To rethink Biology, Medicine and other Natural Sciences in a Socio-Political and Economic background.
To redefine the definition of education
To convey that marks, jobs are not everything in education
To revisit the several significant facets of the world, knowledge, wisdom, Nature, education, gender and sexuality etc.
To reach different kinds of international philosophical consciousness in our Tamil society and to share our own philosophical culture on international level.
To further humanize the humanities, social sciences, fine arts, arts in South India
Unique Features:-
I. To offer various courses which are not included in the mainstream academics.
1. First time offering Introductory Course in Ettingerian Psychoanalysis
2. Gender and sexuality (Spcl.Genderqueer theory and Biology of gender and sexuality)
3. Indian Philosophy (spcl. In several extinct schools and philosophy of India like Carvakisim, Nyaya etc)
4. Interpreting Indian Mythology, Sculpture and Visual art in terms of Genders and Sexualities.
"II. Initiated by college-going students, is one of a kind website in India, which is realized through’s ‘Make My Website’ initiative to promote serious studies on net.
IV. World renowned scholars from Oxford University, European Graduate School, Bowdoin College-New England etc and scholars from India, will guide and teach students here without any commercial purpose.
V. Pedagogy: - To synthesize pedagogical discourses from ancient Greek, Vedic and psychoanalytical schools of thought.
About the Guests who launched the website:-
Bracha L Ettinger- Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger is a philosopher; psychoanalyst and Artist .She has been an influential psychoanalyst after Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan. Her theory of Matrixial Border space is a unique theory which discusses the role of maternal and preuterine subjectivity formation. Matrixial border space theory discuss about the possibilities of the existence of non-phallic route to the subjectivity. She works on the intersections of art, psychoanalysis, ethics and aesthetics. She has been the senior professor of Arts and Aesthetics at Leeds University, UK, Faculty of psychoanalysis at European Graduate School, and senior arts professor at Bezalel Arts Academy-Jerusalem. She is a senior clinical psychologist.
Anjali Gopalan-
Love for all life forms is spirituality for her, Chevalier, Anjali Gopalan is an Indian Human Rights and Animal Rights activist, and she was born in Chennai to a Tamil father and Punjabi mother. In 2012, Time placed Gopalan in its list of the 100 most influential people in the world Anjali was awarded the Commonwealth Award for her work with the marginalized communities. In 2005, she was nominated and short-listed for the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of her work to bring harmony to those whose lives have none.Anjali was honoured as a Woman Achiever by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. Gopalan is the first Tamil woman awarded with "Legion of Honour".
Message from Bracha L Ettinger for Srishti Madurai Website Launch:
The other and the earth need to be known through affective communicaring in self-fragilization. The knowledge revealed in this way, of the invisible chords to which our senses are not yet attuned, is at the basis of the ethical obligation to attend to the vulnerability of the other, human, animal, and even our shared earth, through care and compassion and in wonder and reverance. Let’s work together against retraumatization and toward an understanding of a human subject which is informed by feminine transubjectivity in all genders, and become sensitive to the particular Eros of borderlinking between each I and non-I, which is a kind of love.
Message from Anjali Gopalan for Srishti Madurai Website Launch:
"This is a very happy moment. It is incredible what a group of young dedicated people are capable of doing. I know you will keep up the good work. Congratulations"